
I felt like I needed a place to just yap. A lot of the time when I'm coding I jusually write shit down and then delete it and it never makes it to the actual page bcuz I'm embarrassed. And therefore:

Dedicated yapping page!

truly the final fantasy part of this website is the most well organized part //sighs I keep looking at it and it really does blow every other part of this website out of the water

If you're so private, why are you making a website?

Originally, it was because I wanted to see what all the fuss about the old web was about. I got it for about five minutes, I think, but very quickly it became clear that many of the sites on here just weren't accessable for me. I gave up because I don't know how to do anything fancy and I didn't know how to make my site soemthing that's easy to read both on laptops and phones.

I came back out of bordom and started taking a responsive web design class. So now I feel way better about working on this site, especially since I'm starting to understand coding more. I don't know that this will ever be aesthetic or fancy like the other sites, but this is good for me so far.

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