Final Fantasy XVI (2023)

My favorite FF game. I've got something like 70hrs in it and I'm still working on finishing the Chronolith Trials. All screenshots taken by me, rights belong to Square Enix.

Beware, spoilers ahead.

Clive and Jill stand together on a beach, looking out at the ocean. Clive has his arm around Jill, and Jill's head rests on Clive's shoulder. On the horizon, a three masted ship is faintly visible. The cloud sky and sea are both shades of blue and gray.
How I feel knowing that I can't experience FF16 again for the first time.

Criticism. . .

The character designs for female characters could be better – the women suffer from same face syndrome (I couldn’t tell Benedikta and Anabella apart for over half the game and Jill is a Tifa clone) and all the important, named ones have the same exact body types. The men could afford to be incredibly varied and memorable but each woman is the exact same oval face round eyes small nose tiny lips combo?????

I also wished they handled the women better in general. I wanted to know more about Jill and her backstory, especially from what came before she went to Rosaria. I wanted her to be a bigger presence at the end of the game, even after she gives up her power – and I also wanted to see the toll that using magic took on her. We saw her naked; why doesn’t she have scars from the torture she went through? Why isn’t she turning to stone like the male Dominants? Come on. Also, I wanted more time with Beneditka and why she knew Cid, why does she choose to follow Barnabas and potentially Ultima, what did she actually feels for Kupka, etc etc. I wish they didn’t make the threat of sexual assault be the thing that gave her a powerup in the middle of the game somewhere. Boring. Unoriginal. So on and so forth, I’ve got gripes with a bunch of the writing of the female characters.

I didn’t like that the only people of color are the Dhalmeks, who are fantasy Arabia / Egypt. Get it the fuck together, Squeenix. I know FF16 was based in GOT and medieval Europe, but newsflash! Both have people of color. (I think? Idk much about GOT if I’m being honest. I’ve heard it’s racist?) It’s like walking into a party of only white people and immediately knowing you’re not welcome. Why are the only people who look vaguely like me and my family in only one area. That’s not how that works.

My forth and last issue was Dion x Terrance. They didn’t do anything, I just wasn’t interested in them when first of all we have canonical gay dilfs Cid x Otto, and second of all they’re the least interesting relationship to make canonically gay. Prince x knight, we’ve seen it a thousand times, WHAT about Cid x Otto. Rebellion leader who’s in love with his second in command but won’t tell him and second in command who’s in love with his leader but won’t tell him and the truth only comes out after working closely for over a decade and also one of them has already passed on. I need to write a painful and fucked up fanfic about them, they drive me up the wall.

Clive and Jill hold up Cid, who sits in a pool of blood. They are in a large room full of blue, glowing crystal. The subtitles at the bottom read, CID: and I learned it wasn't a good death we should be fighting for, but a better life.
Cid's last moments.

I loved the overarching plot and I loved how it didn’t seem forced or too long or too short or any of that. Because I played FF15 first, it was really obvious how the themes they tried to do for 15 came through for 16. A lot of 15 is about the power struggles between the gods and about destiny and fighting the gods, but a lot of it rings a little hollow due to the writing issues. 16 has many of those same things, but because they had more time and didn’t have to split their attention on multiple games like they had to while developing 15, they were actually able to drive home the character and plot beats.

In 15, you play a prince with little to no access to his powers and has a distant relationship with his father, who loses everything when his enemy attacks the castle pretty much as soon as he leaves home for the first time. Noctis then mourns his family and kingdom, but otherwise continues to slowly head for Altissia for his marriage to Lunafreya.

In 15, you enter a world of ruin when you get to the end game because the main character is thrown into a crystal for 10yrs to absorb magic to use in the final fight. In doing so, he loses his strongest ties to the world and is essentially groomed by a god to sacrifice himself.

In 15, you fight a guy who happens to be the devil and in killing him remove all magic from the world, but you have to give your life to do so, which proves. . . ? I’m not sure what it proves if I’m being honest. “Noctis kills Ardyn, an already suicidal man, out of revenge for the murder of his fiance” doesn’t sound right but may be technically correct?

I’m gonna wrap it up there. I loved FF15, I loved FF16 even more. The description I gave to my siblings was that FF15 is the younger and vaguely suicidal teenage brother and FF16 is the brother in his twenties and thirties, who’s old enough to know that there’s nothing more worthy of his time than to live and help as many people as possible.

Jill and Clive stand in a field of white flowers, facing each other. They're standing a couple feet apart. The sky is pink, which makes the flowers look pink as well.
This is my favorite screenshot of FFXVI.

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