Final Fantasy XV (2016)

My third favorite FF game so far (this is subject to change the more of these things I play). All screenshots taken by me; rights belong to Square Enix.

Spoilers for a like 8yo game.

Noctis is a pale man with dark hair. The photo is a close up on his face as he grimaces at something off screen. His eyes are glowing purple, which match the lighting and sparks that surround him. The background is black.
Bog standard Noct photo that I think everyone gets. It's taken when Noct is absorbing Odin's power.

I think if I hadn’t been spoiled for FF7 so early, I would’ve had the same reaction to Aerith dying as I did for Luna. That’s my wife!!!! I spent the entire first half of the game excited to go to Altissia and marry my wife!!!! And then Ardyn killed her!!!!!!

I have a lot of issues with FF15, despite it being so near and dear to my heart. The plot was not great, the execution of that plot was not great. I read somewhere that Noctis is lowkey a Jesus allegory and can I just say. I’m not Christian I would never have gotten that lmao. Overall it’s a really fun game and I liked it more than I liked FF7 Remake (bonkers, I know). I loved the camaraderie between the Chocobros, I loved whatever it was Verstael had going on, and I adored Luna a maybe unhealthy amount. If you couldn’t tell she was my favorite character //sighs

Iris Amicitia is a teenager with brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. She is wearing a red and black sleeveless hoodie, a choker, and a necklace with a coin. She is standing next to a road and smiling past the camera. The lighting is golden and warm.
I don't have any pics of Luna (I was too busy staring at her) so have this screenie of Iris.

On the surface level the game makes sense but if you think about anything for more than two seconds it all falls apart. It’s actually fascinating.

Take Ardyn (main antagonist) for example. He was trapped in a cave for 2k yrs; when he left, he immediately started rebelling against the gods (Astrals) and was put down by the Chosen King (Noctis), following a prophecy that was created at the end of the last god war. All of this seems in order.

Now, if you play / watch the Episode: Ardyn DLC, it reveals that Ardyn was a good guy, actually. He was a healer and was dead set on healing the plague (and evidently failed, as it is still active in Noctis’ time) to the detriment of his own health. Once he absorbed too much of the plague, he was infected, and then became the ruler of the plague?? I’m simplifying a little. His brother stole the throne from him and threw him into the cave. Ardyn leaving the cave was actually because he was found, not because he broke free, and the reason Noctis is the Chosen King / main character is because. . . he’s the first one born after Ardyn’s release. So Noctis himself was never important. Also Ardyn killed Noctis’ dad but Noctis’ dad was brought back by plot armor.

In summary, I love FF15 beyond measure. I’ve written 200k+ words of fanfiction about it.

A Certification of Completion from Final Fantasy 15. There is an ornate blue frame around a screenshot from the game. The screenshot is of Prompto, Gladio, Ignis, and Noctis posing in front of the Crow's Nest Diner. It is clear from the details that this screenshot was taken during the first half of the game. The bottom of the certificate reads: 44:53:54, Level 49, 2022/06/11.
My certification of completion!

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